Sending your child to the right nursery is, of course, one of the most important decisions you will make. We understand this and every member of our team who have, or have had children of nursery age have chosen Hove Village for their own child.
Share Your Child's Day at Hove Village
We know that being able to be involved with your child’s care whist at nursery provides peace of mind. With this in mind, our parents get free access to our app, which allows you to be engaged with what is happening. For example, you will be able to see what your child has been eating, how much they ate and exactly how long they had a nap for.
You will also be able to see photos, videos and access written reports, assessments and observations on your child. You can comment too and also message your child’s carers or a member of management. Our parents love it and it’s also a great way for relatives, such as grandparents to also see how your child is enjoying their time at Hove Village.
Meet with our team
Of course we value face-to-face communication too and our staff are always available at the end of your child’s session to provide valuable feedback. We also hold regular parents’ evenings and other events where you can meet our team and other parents. You are also very welcome to join us at various events that we sponsor and attend.